An unseen – Friendship


Hi, my name is Mor and I want to tell you about my friends.
Shira is my best friend since first grade.
We do everything together – we do homework after school, we go to the mall once a week, we are members in the scouts ((צופים and sometimes we even sleep over at each other's homes.
We really enjoy being together.
Not long ago, a new girl named Dana, joined our class. The three of us
quickly became friends and instead of being two best friends, we have become three best friends. At first, it was very nice. We met almost every day, went eating together and laughed a lot. Last week I noticed that Shira and Dana were meeting without me. That made me frustrated and angry. In the beginning, I tried to ignore it, but it was difficult! Then I decided to talk about it with Shira. After all she was my best friend!
I called her and told her I was really upset that she didn’t remember me anymore.
Shira started laughing. I was shocked and told her that I was disappointed with her, which made her laugh even harder. Apparently, Shira and Dana were meeting to organize a surprise party for my birthday. I completely forgot about it! So, you can say that I ruined my surprise party, but I was so happy to discover that my old best friend and my new best friend were still mine.
Answer the following questions:
  1. What do Shira and Mor like doing together?
  1. Who is Dana?
     3. Why was Mor upset?_______________________________________________________________________.
  1. What did Shira and Dana do without Mor?
  1. ** What could Mor do differently? Give her some ideas.
  1. In your opinion, are Dana and Shira good friends?
     Good luck



Answer the following questions:
  1. What do Shira and Mor like doing together?
___Shira and Mor like to do homework together, go to the mall, go to the scouts and sleep at each other's homes.
  1. Who is Dana?
____Dana is a new girl at school.
  1. Why was Mor upset?
___Mor was upset because she noticed that her friends were meeting without her.

  1. What did Shira and Dana do without Mor?
_________Shira and Dana were organizing a surprise party for Mor. _
  1. What could Mor do differently? Give her some ideas.
Maybe Mor could consult her parents or her teacher about the situation. She could also wait another week and see what was going on. However, I think that you should always say what you feel and Mor did just that. 
___Accept any logical answer. 
  1. In your opinion, are Dana and Shira good friends?
_____In my opinion, Shira and Dana are good friends because they were busy planning a party for their friend Mor.